Aesthetic Communication : Existence of Southern Thai Language in Covid-19

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Ratchaneechay Choeirod


         This article aims to analyze linguistic strategies for aesthetic communication in coronavirus disease 2019. Interviews were conducted on seven-eight mixed gender language speakers; theirs gender was not used in data analysis. Three issues arose from the interviews: the words that describe the coronavirus disease2019 found that most of the words have no social stigma. The second issues considered frequent use as a place. It was found that could be at home is the most mentioned about place, followed by society and hospital. The last point was language aesthetic. As a result of the interviews, found that most common are love, fear, excitement, shock and the least is kindness and comedy. The result of this research is hoped to help support the management of communication problems with the coronavirus disease 2019. This useful for the use of words to promote attitude and good feelings for both people between Sending messages and recipients as well as.

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How to Cite
Choeirod , R. . . (2020). Aesthetic Communication : Existence of Southern Thai Language in Covid-19. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 300–316. Retrieved from
Research Article


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