Development of Microsoft Teams-Based Learning Model for Introduction to Political Science

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Thanawat Chaopho
Phatraphon Sermsong
Sukhachai Wongchan
Suthin Lertsapung


        The objectives of the research were (1) to develop the Microsoft Teams-based learning model for the subject “Introduction to Political Science,” (2) to study the students’ learning achievement from the model, and (3) to study the students’ satisfaction with the model. The target group was a total of thirty-two first-year students of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srilanchang Campus, majoring in Government and studying Introduction to Political Science in the first semester of the academic year 2563. The instruments used for data collection comprised of (1) Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF) 3 for Introduction to Political Science, (2) Assessment for Microsoft Teams-based Learning Model for Introduction to Political Science, (3) Content Assessment for Microsoft Teams-based Learning Model for Introduction to Political Science, (4) Online Classroom Assessment for Microsoft Teams-based Learning Model for Introduction to Political Science, and (5) Student Satisfaction Survey on Microsoft Teams-based Learning Model for Introduction to Political Science. The statistics used for data analysis composed of percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and the t-test for dependent samples.
        The findings of the research were as follows: (1) The developed model was found efficient for learning. The opinion of the experts on the model was found to be overall at a high level ( = 4.37). Their opinion on the model’s content was found to be overall at a high level ( = 4.44); their opinion on the model’s online classroom was found to be overall at a high level ( = 4.44). (2) The learning achievement of the students from the model was found to be higher and the students’ posttest was found to be higher from their pretest at a statistically significant level of 0.01. (3) The students’ satisfaction with the model was found to be overall at a high level ( = 3.50).

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How to Cite
Chaopho, T. . ., Sermsong, . P. . ., Wongchan, S. . ., & Lertsapung , S. . . (2020). Development of Microsoft Teams-Based Learning Model for Introduction to Political Science. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 261–274. retrieved from
Research Article


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