Multimedia computer courseware development Internet Network Management For undergraduatesInstitute of Vocational Education Northeastern Region 1

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Kacha Kosila
Phanumet Choompun
Kronpapar Charoenshansa
Suthisa Pradit


        This study aims 1) to develop and find the effectiveness of multimedia computer courseware. To be effective according to the criteria 80/80 2) to compare academic achievement before and after study. With multimedia computer lessons 3) To study student satisfaction towards learning by using multimedia computer lessons, Internet Network Management. For undergraduates Northeastern Vocational Education Institute 1 sample used in this study. Be an undergraduate student Business Computer Udon Thani Vocational College Northeastern Institute of Vocational Education 1 Semester 1 Academic year 2020, 16 people were obtained by random sampling.
        (Cluster Sampling) The study tools consisted of 1) multimedia computer lessons, internet network management, 2) pre and post learning achievement test It's a multiple-choice test. Choose 4 answers, 30 questions 3) Student Satisfaction Questionnaire on Computer Multimedia Lessons, Internet Network Management. The statistics used in the analysis of educational data were percentage.Mean, standard deviation, and t-test
        The study found that
        1.Computer lesson in multimedia network management. For undergraduates Northeastern Vocational Training Institute 1 was effective in accordance with the specified 80/80 criteria.
        2.Learning achievement of learners with multimedia computer lessons, Internet network management. For undergraduates Northeastern Institute of Vocational Education 1 after studying higher than before studying Which is consistent with the assumptions
        3.The satisfaction of learners with multimedia lessons in Internet network management. For undergraduates Northeastern 1 Vocational Education Institute is at a high level.

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How to Cite
Kosila, K. ., Choompun, P. ., Charoenshansa, K. ., & Pradit, S. . (2020). Multimedia computer courseware development Internet Network Management For undergraduatesInstitute of Vocational Education Northeastern Region 1. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 233–245. Retrieved from
Research Article


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