Education Management Towards Excellence In The 21st Century

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Amonrat Techanok


        The objective of this article is to present excellence in educational administration in the 21st century. Become a leader who influences internal personnel, to play a role in setting policy direction and leading the school to success, must be equipped with outstanding characteristics that is to have high intellectual skills Is a professional manager have a creative mind have a good attitude and is a person with a vision Have high expectations for the success of the job As well as developing educational institutions into a learning organization and build educational institutions to be innovative organizations in the new era with outstanding characteristics suitable have theoretical knowledge, skills, roles, duties, morality and experience in modern educational administration. To bring educational institutions to success can respond to the competition and modernity to suit the changes of the world.

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How to Cite
Techanok, A. . . (2020). Education Management Towards Excellence In The 21st Century. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 364–373. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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