The State and Desirable Roles of the Basic Education Institution Committees of the Schools in Amnat Charoen Province under the Office of Amnat Charoen Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29

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Benjamas Sujanta
Charoenwit Sompongtam
Sumet Supatjamnien


          The purposes of this research were to 1) Study the state and desirable roles of the basic education institution committee of schools in Amnat Charoen province under Amnat Charoen Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29 2) Compare the state and desirable roles of the basic education institution committee of the school and 3) Study the development guidelines the state and desirable roles of the basic education institution committee of schools. The sample used in the study were 76. Data collection was done through 5 rating scale questionnaires with the reliability of the questionnaires of the state and desirable roles were .98 and .96 respectively. The analyzing of data was percentage, mean, standard deviation and (PNImodified).
          The research findings were as follows the sate roles of the basic education institution committee of schools, overall and each aspect were at the moderate and the desirable roles overall and each aspect were at the highest level.  the compare of the Index values of (PNImodified) of the education institution committee, at schools, found that the need assessment rank was from the most to the lowest. Personnel administration, general administration, academic affair administration, and budgeting administration, and  the guidelines of the basic education institution committee of school role, proposed on all 4 aspects.


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How to Cite
Sujanta, B. ., Sompongtam , C. ., & Supatjamnien , S. (2021). The State and Desirable Roles of the Basic Education Institution Committees of the Schools in Amnat Charoen Province under the Office of Amnat Charoen Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(1), 60–74. Retrieved from
Research Article


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