A study of Sangha’s roles in treatment of "Pariv" "a" ⃗" sakamma" towards the Three Bases of Meritorious Action of the Buddhists in Baanwan Subdistrict, Ta Bo District, Nongkhai Province

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Phrakrusiripapassarakun (Dong Papassaro/ Meesri)
Boonsong Sinthunok
Somdet Namket


          The purposes of this research were; 1) to study the Three Basses of Meritorious  Action in Theravada Buddhism 2) to study the Sangha’s treatment of in Baan Wan Sub-district, Ta Bo Disstrict, Nongkhai Province and 3) to study the Sangha’s roles in treatment of  towards the treatment of the Three Basses of Meritorious Action of the Buddhists in Baan Wan Sub-district, Ta Bo District, Nongkhai Province. This research was the qualitative research by studying the data from the documents and field study and then reporting the results of the research in the descriptive analysis.
          The results of the research were found that the Three Bases of Meritorious Action in Theravada Buddhism are the foundation of Buddhism and to create the goodness in accordance with the Buddhist destination, that is, donation, moral observance and spiritual development. To have confidence in the principle of the  Bases of Meritorious Action means the location of meritorious action. The principle of goodness consists of three items, that is, 1)  means the meritorious acting consisting in generosity 2) Silamaya means meritorious action by observing the precepts or observing the disciplines and 3)  means a meritorious action , namely, metal and intelligent development.
          The observance of of Sangha effecting on the Buddhists in Baan Wan Sub-district, Ta Bo District, Nongkhai Province let us know that the value of Sangha’s observance of in the spiritual aspect as the observing principle , especially the principle of observance is to reach the goal of life in accordance with the principle of religion in order to develop his/her mentality , to solve  the inappropriate state of human life by making human mentality fresh and refining the spirituality for purity. In the social aspect, it makes the practitioners receive the basic, middle and highest benefits.

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How to Cite
(Dong Papassaro/ Meesri), P. ., Sinthunok , B. ., & Namket , S. . (2021). A study of Sangha’s roles in treatment of "Pariv" "a" ⃗" sakamma" towards the Three Bases of Meritorious Action of the Buddhists in Baanwan Subdistrict, Ta Bo District, Nongkhai Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 100–119. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/247486
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