A Study Solution of Alcoholic Drinking Problems of the People in Accordance with the Project of the Five Precepts Preserving Villages in Bueng Khong Long District, Bueng Kan Province

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Phra Chaiya Uankaew


          This article has three objectives: 1) To study the problem of drinking alcohol and the effects of drinking alcohol in Bueng Khong Long District, Bueng Kan Province. 2) To study dharmic principles in Buddhism lead to solving the problem of drinking alcohol in Bueng Khong Long District, Bueng Kan Province. 3) To study guidelines for the application of Buddhist principles to solve the problem of drinking alcohol all people in the project of five precepts village in Bueng Khong Long District, Bueng Kan Province.It is a qualitative research. By studying and researching documents and field work (Educational method) in-depth interviews from a specific target group, from 30 people. Including a group of 5 monks, 5 community leaders, 5 academics, 5 personnel involved and 10 people who drink alcohol. Research instrument is in-depth interviews.
          At the present, the situation and the alcoholic drinking problems in Buengkan Province cause the impact on the Thai society seriously such as to get drunk, and then to drive a car and it may cause the accident, that is, it may cause the impact on oneself or others or to get drunk and then it may cause the arguments or hurt each other. The great problems may happen, it may destroy the good society. If we consider the society related to the alcohol it may be seen that the society as mentioned is is worthless. The majority of people in Thai society believe in Buddhism and observe the Five Precepts as the foundation, that is, the Five Precepts mentions that not to drink the alcohol in the fifth item, anyway, to drink the alcohol results in the sadness because of its poison. It is considered that the alcohol is dangerous to the life or the drinkers do not love themselves or Buddhism does not influence on their minds. From the situation as mentioned.  An alcoholic drinking in Thai society encourage the researcher to be interested in studying the alcoholic drinking problems in Thai society seriously.
          To apply the Dhamma in Buddhism for a solution of the alcoholic drinking problems of people in the village project of observing the Five Precepts in Buengkan Province is that to observe the Five Precept earnestly that is, to observe the five precepts, namely, not to drink alcohol absolutely by realizing that  to drink alcohol causes the danger to wealth and cause the accident to life and to loss the properties that have be earned.

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How to Cite
Uankaew, P. C. . . (2021). A Study Solution of Alcoholic Drinking Problems of the People in Accordance with the Project of the Five Precepts Preserving Villages in Bueng Khong Long District, Bueng Kan Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 133–143. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/247551
Research Article


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