Elderly with Dependency Care Model in Local Community of Roi-Et Province

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Anucha Lavong
Chutipa Bootdeewong
Satianpong Siwina
Jurairat Keawpila
Boonchana Yeesarapat


          The objectives of this research were three-fold ; to investigate situations and needs assessments for care giving elderly with dependencies, To develop care model for care giving elderly with dependencies, and to study effectiveness of care model care giving elderly with dependencies in Local Community Roi-Et Province.  5 of care givers and 12 elderly  with dependencies were target groups. The instruments used for development was care giving elderly with dependencies model. Data were collected by a questionnaire on self-reliant elderly care knowledge, the problems and need assessment of care giving elderly with dependencies model. The suitability and feasibility of care giving elderly with dependencies model. Performance evaluation form of elderly care givers, Barthel Activities of Daily Living :ADL. The Basics of Dependent Elderly, and satisfaction rating scale. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
          The research findings were as follows:
          The results of these analyses showed that; 1) Care giving elderly with dependencies in local community Roi-Et province were consisted of 5 steps: (1) need assessment; (2) potential of assessment; (3) training; (4) implement), and  (5) evaluation  and dissemination of NATIE, Model were appropriated and feasibled, overall, it was at a high level. 2) Elderly caregivers had high levels of knowledge about care giving. Overall, 40.0% and had the most health problems, overall health needs of the most., and 3) elderly care givers were at a high level. The elderly with dependence on the second group of 12 participants after the development showed that the elderly with dependence on group 1 increased by 3 people or 25.0 percentage.There were 9 care giving elderly with dependencies who were dependent on group 2, 75.0 percentage, and the elderly were satisfied with the model. overall, it was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Lavong, A. ., Bootdeewong, C. ., Siwina, S. ., Keawpila , J. ., & Yeesarapat, B. . (2021). Elderly with Dependency Care Model in Local Community of Roi-Et Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 268–277. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/247677
Research Article


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