The Learning Organization of the Child Development Center According to The Opinions of Teachers under the Local Government Organization in Samut Prakan Province

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Supawadee Junpuek
Chonmanee Silanookit


          This research aimed to study and compare the learning organization of the child development center according to the opinions of the teachers, under the local government organization in Samut Prakan Province divided by teacher’s educational background,  working experience and size of child development center. The sample were 175 teachers who worked in child development center by stratified random sampling and cosiderated sample size through Krejcie and Morgan table. The instrument was a five-point rating scale questionnaire which the reliability of at 0.952.  The data analyzed through the descriptive statistic, t-test and One way ANOVA, and Scheffe’s method were used to analyze the data.
          The research results were found that learning organization of the child development center according to the opinions of teachers under the local government organization in  Samut Prakan Province in overall and individual aspects were at a high level. The results of the comparison of learning organization in child development center classified by educational background, working experience and size of child development center of teachers in overall were not different. When considering each aspect found that the teachers working in different size of child development center has different opinions on their shared vision of statistical significant .05.


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How to Cite
Junpuek , S. ., & Silanookit, C. . (2021). The Learning Organization of the Child Development Center According to The Opinions of Teachers under the Local Government Organization in Samut Prakan Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 144–157. Retrieved from
Research Article


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