Parental Opinions in Management of Child Development Center under Bandan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bandanlanhoi District, Sukhothai Province

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Pongpitak Glawacha
Chot Bodeerat


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of parental Opinions in the management of Child Development Center under Bandan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bandanlanhoi District, Sukhothai Province, and 2) to study the suggestions and guidelines for the parental expectation in the management of Child Development Center under Bandan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bandanlanhoi District, Sukhothai Province. This research applied the Quantitative Research. The sample was 120 parents of children in Child Development Center under Bandan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bandanlanhoi District, Sukhothai Province. The research instrument was the questionnaire. The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Results of the Research 1. Overall, the level of parental Opinions in the management of Child Development Center under Bandan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bandanlanhoi District, Sukhothai Province was at the high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the personnel, the building, environment and safety, the academics and activities in the curriculum, the participation and support from the related organizations, and promoting the network of the young child development was at the high level. However, the management of Child Development Center was at the middle level. 2. The problems, barriers and suggestions for the management of Child Development Center under Bandan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bandanlanhoi District, Sukhothai Province found that 1) the problem and barrier were that the buildings were not safe because of no camera surveillance, the budget was insufficient, the teachers did not understand to the evaluation methods, the development, the experimental management or the activities for the students. Moreover, the personnel had a lack of the skill, knowledge and ability in the educational management. 2) The suggestions were that the organization should allocate the budget sufficient to the management, have the camera surveillance system around and in the building for the parents to know the teaching process, promote and develop the personnel and the teachers to get the knowledge and ability in working, allocate the teachers sufficient to the child care. Moreover, the parents and the network party should participate in monitoring and evaluating the child development.

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How to Cite
Glawacha , P. . ., & Bodeerat, C. . (2021). Parental Opinions in Management of Child Development Center under Bandan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bandanlanhoi District, Sukhothai Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(3), 135–149. Retrieved from
Research Article


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