Develop a Fostering Multicultural Competence through Literary Circles for Undergraduate Students

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Sirikan Sriwisan


          The objective this study aimed to, 1) study the effectiveness of literary cycle activities in the development of multicultural competence, 2) study the opinions of students on the use of literary cycle activities to enhance multicultural competence. The sample consisted of 60 second-year English major students of the Faculty of Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University. The sample was selected by purposive sampling. The students were enrolled in Children’s Literature course during their second academic year of 2019. The instruments used for this study were: twenty lesson plans; multicultural competence self-evaluation test; literature response journals; interview form; and classroom observation form. A t-test was used to compare the multicultural competence’s score of the two groups students. The classroom observation, in-depth interview, and literature response journal were interpreted and transcribed in order to gather the information by using content analysis. The results of the study were discussed into 2 parts; quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The quantitative data analysis was done using t-test by comparing multicultural competence of the experimental group students learned with the control group students. The results of the multicultural competence scores of the experimental group students with the control group students were significantly different at the level of .05. The qualitative data analysis was done by the students’ opinions towards the use of literature circle activities. The results found that students exactly knew what is literature circle and how it does. They also increased their cultural knowledge when using literature circle activities in their classroom.

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How to Cite
Sriwisan, S. . (2021). Develop a Fostering Multicultural Competence through Literary Circles for Undergraduate Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(2), 197–207. Retrieved from
Research Article


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