A Guideline of Administration of Sangha’s Duties with Sangahavatthu Principle of Eccl. Administrative Officers in the Administrative Area of NongSaeng District,Udonthani Province
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The purposes of this article were; 1) to study the situation of Sngha’sroutine work administrationof the Ecel. Administrative Officers in the administrative area of Nongsaeng District, Udonthani Province 2) to study the principle of the Four Bases of Social Solidarity in Theravada Buddhism and 3) to study the guideline of Sangha’s routine work administration in accordance with the Four Bases of Social Solidarity of the Ecel. Administrative Officers in the administrative area of Nongsaeng District, Udonthani Province. This research was the qualitative research by collecting the data from the depth-interview from the main informants such as the Buddhist monks in the level of the Ecel. Administrative Officers in the administrative area of Nongsaeng District, Udonthani Province by using the purposive selection in the total of 30 subjects and using the descriptive analysis in accordance with inductive method.
The results of the research were as follows: Management condition of the Sangha Patriarch in Nong Saeng District Administrative Organization Udon Thani Province There are 30 temples in the administration and 6) administrative frameworks: 1) governance, 2) education, 3) education, 4) propagation, 5) public welfare and 6) public welfare. Which has managed various activities as well
The Four Bases of Social Solidarity are the principle of Dhamma for the others’ refuge, and friendliness , charitableness and assistance are the principle of assistance for each other such as charitableness, polite words, conduct for the sake of others’ benefits and to be consistent in order to assist with the things or knowledge, verbal assistance, helping with personal energy, assistance to participate in facing the problems by aiming at assistance and cooperation in order to encourage people to create the unity for administration in various aspects efficiently.
Guidelines for the administration of the Sangkhahavatthana 4 of the Sangha Patriarch in Nong Saeng District Administrative Organization Udon Thani province is 1) giving contributions that are beneficial and not harmful to society. The sacrifice in power Personal happiness and Dharma 2) Piyaphong Speech coordination with polite, beautiful words, true speaking, unity. 3) attitude, persistence, help and care for things that are beneficial, support others; and 4) Samanatta is a consistent person. Always work on a regular basis to reduce discrete problems.
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