Creative Culture Tourism Development Strategy Nong Khai Province

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Nidsini Krupasert
Aurairat Yamchuti
MungKorn Hariruk
Kowit Juntapala


          This research has the objective 1.To study the characteristics of creative cultural tourism Nong Khai Province 2. To study the creative cultural tourism strategy Nong Khai Province 3.To study the guidelines for the development of creative cultural tourism in Nong Khai Province. The study sample consisted of 400 cultural persons. Purposive sampling was selected by the researcher. The results showed that most of  1.In the form of creative cultural tourism Overall, Nong Khai Province found that opinions were at a high level as follows: Community organization Their opinions were at a high level, followed by resources and culture at a high level Were at high level learning and community organization respectively.
          2. In terms of creative cultural tourism strategies Nong Khai Province overall, it was found that the opinions were at a high level as follows: Set up tourism development tools There were opinions at a high level, followed by operational planning. at a high level cultural management at a high level In terms of learning, opinions were at a high level. and building a network of cooperation The opinions were at a high level, respectively.
          3. Guidelines for the development of creative cultural tourism in Nong Khai Province There should be tourism promotion activities in terms of resources or tourism activities. and should allocate the budget for integrating tourist attractions in Nong Khai Province to raise the level of the province. Including participation in supporting the people to participate in creating activities and stimulating the economy in tourist areas.

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How to Cite
Krupasert, N. ., Yamchuti, A. ., Hariruk , M. ., & Juntapala, K. . (2021). Creative Culture Tourism Development Strategy Nong Khai Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(4), 359–371. Retrieved from
Research Article


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