Problems and Needs of Learning Management during the Covid-19 Situation at Watdan Samrong School Primary Educational Service Area Office Samutprakan District 1

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Jirakan Oonsapiv
Suchada Nunthachaiya


          This study aimed to study the problems and needs of learning management during the COVID 19 situations at Watdansamrong School. Primary Educational Service Area Office, Samutprakan District 1. The sample groups used in this study were 90 teachers at Watdansamrong School and interviewed 4 administrators and teachers. The study tools were questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used in the study were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. And content for qualitative research. The results of the study showed that;
          1. Problems of learning management during the COVID 19 situations at Watdansamrong School Primary Educational Service Area Office, Samutprakan District 1, most of them are at a high level. Most of the problems arose from the budget for educational institutions that were inconsistent with the learning management during the real COVID-19 situation, as well as the problem of parents who were not yet ready to use technology in teaching and learning.
          2. Needs of learning management during the COVID 19 situations at Watdansamrong School Primary Educational Service Area Office, Samutprakan District 1, it was found that both administrators and teachers needed to improve teaching and learning standards in response to the future COVID 19 situations with an emphasis on skills building. Critical thinking, problem-solving, practice, and limiting the number of teaching and learning activities. Including the evaluation by other methods instead of the examination, such as assignments, making reports or taking exams outside of the exam room, etc.

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How to Cite
Oonsapiv , J. ., & Nunthachaiya, S. . (2021). Problems and Needs of Learning Management during the Covid-19 Situation at Watdan Samrong School Primary Educational Service Area Office Samutprakan District 1. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(4), 49–66. Retrieved from
Research Article


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