The Development of the Seventh Graders’ English Reading Comprehension Ability at Watborwornmongkol School by Using SQ3R Reading Technique

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Kanjana Kaewbandon
Dr.Teeraporn Plailek


          This action research aimed to compare the studenths’ English reading comprehension abilities before and after being taught through the SQ3R technique. The  target  group  for this research were 14 Mattayomsuksa 1/1 students at Watborwornmongkol School by using purposive sampling technique. The research instruments were lesson plans based on SQ3R technique and English reading comprehension ability test. The statistics used in this research were mean and percentage.
          The research findings revealed that English reading comprehension abilities of Mattayomsuksa 1/1 students being taught through the SQ3R technique was higher than before. The mean score of the post-test was higher than the pre-test which was 83.6 percent. The research findings reflect that the SQ3R technique improve the students’ English reading comprehension abilities. This technique enhanced the students to recognize the reading target, to have the clear reading steps that allow the students to be easily and rapidly understood the texts. In using the SQ3R technique, teachers should recommend and assist the students to observe and do group activities in order to motivate them to participate in group activities. Furthermore,  individual and group assessments should be clearly in order to be a guide for students to go on their tracks correctly and successfully.

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How to Cite
Kaewbandon , K. ., & Plailek, T. (2021). The Development of the Seventh Graders’ English Reading Comprehension Ability at Watborwornmongkol School by Using SQ3R Reading Technique. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(4), 201–211. retrieved from
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