Local elections and democratic development

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PhraKaison Sumano
PhraMaha Somsak Satishamparno


          The local election was basically regarded a formation of democracy, which was very significant for local people to express the representatives of administrative organizations their necessary opinions, demands and claims. The objectives of the academic article were to study concepts of local election, another process of local democratic voting, and to study the importance of local balloting as another ballot in democratic government. The study was based upon primary data from involved documents, textbooks, academic and research articles, and aimed at the local election and the democratic development in Thailand. The content of the article was divided into three parts; the first on concepts of local elections, the second on local elections and democratic processes, and the last on importance of local administration and democratic development.


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How to Cite
Phrasirirattanametee, Sumano , P. . ., & Satishamparno , P. S. . (2021). Local elections and democratic development. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(4), 384–396. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/248677
Academic Article


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