An Application of the Five Precepts for Developing the Village Leadersd Inthe Territory of Kut Jub District, Udonthani Province

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PhraPhramahaDhanapon Khantidhammo
Phamahaprateep Abhivatdhano
Somdet Namket


          The objectives of this research were to study 1) the 5 precepts, 2) the problem behavior of the village leaders, and 3) the application of the 5 precepts to develop the village leaders' behavior. in the district of Kut Chap The results of the research showed that 1) the precepts in Theravada Buddhism are intentions to abstain from corrupt body and speech, and mean cetasika is to abstain from corrupt thoughts 3. In summary, it refers to the 5 precepts. 2) Problem behavior of village leaders. It was found that the first precept was violated because of quarrels. The slaughter of animals is aimed at food. Violation of the second precept because of other factors such as family problems and wrong values Violation of the third precept because of extravagance in materialism Violations of the Fourth Precept are mostly small lies for the comfort of the family. As for the violation of the 5th precept, it was found that alcohol and drug dependence were also applied. 3) The application of the 5 precepts to develop the behavior of the village leaders. This must be done through collaboration within the community. Both community leaders, clergy, citizens and schools were organized into three stages: 1) participation in the preparation stage (co-thinking), 2) participation in the implementation stage (co-working), and 3) participation. on track Evaluate and publish results (Share responsibility) and use the concept of participation in 4 steps: 1) planning 2) activities 3) sharing use 4) benefiting the people.

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How to Cite
Khantidhammo, . P. ., Abhivatdhano , P. ., & Namket , S. . (2021). An Application of the Five Precepts for Developing the Village Leadersd Inthe Territory of Kut Jub District, Udonthani Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(4), 227–240. Retrieved from
Research Article


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