The Studying Mathematics Learning Achievement on Function by Using Self-Study Activity Packages of Grade 10 Room 7 Students Taweethapisek School

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Kantapon Mapracha
Teerada Hudcharoen
Poonyapon Chanfoy


          The researcher has been teaching in the educational institute at Taweethapisek School. I was given the task of instructing grade 10 students on relations and functions. The researcher interviewed teachers and looked at related documents and research papers to learn more about teaching issues. It was discovered that in the past, teaching management emphasized instructional approaches that presented students with content, definitions, or issue examples. Students participate in self-study without the use of activities. As a result of this type of instruction, pupils acquire misconceptions about the content they are learning. Especially when it comes to abstract functions with complex information. As a result, mathematics achievement was rather poor. Research Workshop in this class the purpose is to studying mathematics learning achievement on function by using self-study activity packages of grade 10 room 7 students Taweethapisek school. The target group for this study were 32 students in grade 10 room 7 of Taweethapisek school. The sample was selected from Purposive Sampling. Research tools include were lesson plans, self-study activity packages and 10 subjective questions achievement. Data analysis were mean, standard deviation and percentage.
          The research results were found that mathematics learning achievement on function of target students have academic achievement after using self-study activity packages. The average score was 13, 65% passed the 50% criteria, which was the objective of the research. And the number of students who passed the specified criteria number 29, representing 90.63 percent.

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How to Cite
Mapracha, K. ., Hudcharoen, T. ., & Chanfoy, P. . (2021). The Studying Mathematics Learning Achievement on Function by Using Self-Study Activity Packages of Grade 10 Room 7 Students Taweethapisek School. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 1–11. retrieved from
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