New Public Management under "Good Governance"

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Jeeranan Yayawong
Boonchok Bunmee
Tarita Tangseng
Wipawadee Seetocai
Chot Bodeerat


          This article aims to analyze the new public management perspective as well as the appropriate alternative to the Thai social context under "Good Governance". The results to the analysis revealed that understanding the public management system, causing people to encounter obstacles in dealing with the bureaucratic system. Thus, there is creating a concept of the new public management system that is more appropriate and socially acceptable. The system is being implemented by modifying the method of government management to be more effective called the administration of good government. It aimed at the welfare of the people to accomplish the mission of the state, to efficiency and value in the mission of the state, to reduce unnecessary operating procedures, to improve the mission of the government to keep up with the situation, for facilitate and respond to the needs, and to monitor performance evaluation regularly.


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How to Cite
Yayawong, J. ., Bunmee, B., Tangseng, T., Seetocai, W., & Bodeerat, C. . (2021). New Public Management under "Good Governance". Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 303–314. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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