Motherhood in Buddhism

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Panich Simlee
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan
Phramaha Samrong Saññato
Prayoon Saengsai


          Mother has a duty to create the world because of the character of the child who was born to be a good citizen of the world. A mother's duty to the family institution is essential in passing on a good example to her children. Because duty is a guide, action is a crucible for life and mind to follow the pattern that has been passed on from mother and father. Motherhood that appears in the Tripitaka scriptures Mother in the Brahma Sutra The Lord Buddha has shown that there are 4 foundations for the mother Brahma, Grand Master, Burathep and Ahunai people. Buddhism regards parents as the brahma of their children. because he performs duties like Brahma, such as giving birth to children, raising children Show this world to her children. In terms of virtues, mothers have 4 Brahma Viharas, namely mercy, compassion, mudita, upekkha, and the duties of mother and father in the six directions. Mothers and fathers are obligated to support their children as follows: to be in good to study the arts and sciences, to advise suitable spouses and to hand over wealth in a reasonable time

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How to Cite
Simlee, P. . ., Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan, Saññato , P. S. . ., & Saengsai , P. . (2021). Motherhood in Buddhism. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 397–413. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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