Managerial Administration in Accordance with Good Governance of Salalai Sub-district Municipality Chondan District, Phetchabun Province
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The objectives of this research study were 1) to study the level of public opinion towards governance according to good governance, 2) to compare personal factors on governance according to governance, and 3) to study problems and obstacles. and guidelines for solving management problems in accordance with the principles of good governance It is a quantitative research. Use questionnaires as a tool to collect information. The sample consisted of 400 people living in Sala Lai Sub-district Municipality. Data were analyzed using statistical frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test (One-Way ANOVA). It was found that 1) the overall level of opinion towards the management according to the good governance principles was at a high level; 2) the people with different gender, age, education level, occupation, average monthly income and the villages residing had different opinions. towards the management according to the good governance of Sala Lai Subdistrict Municipality, Chon Daen District, Phetchabun Province The difference was statistically significant at the .01 level, while the length of stay was statistically different at the .05 level. 3) Recommendations for management guidelines based on good governance found that Establish or issue ordinances, rules and regulations should be consistent with the context of the area. accepted by the public by adhering to the principles of the people and the area as the center by visiting the area to survey the information understand the problem people's needs by allowing people to participate in the operation of the municipality This will result in the overall operation of the organization to be the most efficient.
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