The Behavior of President Electoin of Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization of People in Muang District Chaiyaphum Province

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Phramaha Sangkom Chayananto (Changlek)
Chanchai Huadsri
Suraphon Promgun


          The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the level of behavior in the election of the president of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization of the people in Muang district, Chaiyaphum Province; 2) to comparatively study the behavior in the election of the president of Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization; 3) to study the guidelines for promoting the election behavior of the president of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization of the people. This study was carried out by means of the mixed research method using quantitative research and qualitative research. The sample group used in this research was 399 voters in Muang Chaiyaphum district selected by Taroyamane formula, and 12 key informants were selected specifically. The instruments used in the research were questionnaires and interview forms. The obtained data were analyzed by using the social science software package and the contextual content analysis techniques.
          The research results were as follows:
          1) The level of behavior in the election of the president of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization of the people in Muang District Chaiyaphum Province, overall, was at a moderate level. As for each studied aspect, it was found that the aspect of following election news was rated at a high level. The aspects of applicants' policy criticism and applying the voting right in the election were at a moderate level, while the aspect of helping the election campaign was at a least level.
          2) The results of comparison of election behavior of Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization of people in Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province revealed that the people with differences in sex, age, education level and occupation had no difference in the election behavior of the president of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization. This rejected the hypothesis. As for each aspect, it was found that people with differences in age, education level and occupation had different behaviors of electing the president of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization in terms of voting assistance and voting rights with statistical significance level of 0.05.
          3) The guidelines for promoting the election behavior of the president of Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization of people in Muang District Chaiyaphum Province are that people should follow political news in various fields through online media, various media channels and give importance to the exercise of their rights and freedoms with political governance in the terms of elections and other democratic aspects with behavioral expressions to cooperate with people in the community in working for the public by applying the Four Saṅgahavatthu Principles (Bases of Social Solidarity) in all activities.

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How to Cite
Chayananto (Changlek), P. S., Huadsri , C. ., & Promgun, S. (2021). The Behavior of President Electoin of Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization of People in Muang District Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 166–178. Retrieved from
Research Article


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