Comparison of Academic Achievement of SS 2203101 Physical Geography of Social Studies among 1st Undergraduate Students between Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) and Conventional Learning Management

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Phanatda Panitchayapan
Vutthiwat Ananphutthimet


          This research aimed to compare academic achievement before and after taking SS 2203101 Physical Geography and to compare satisfaction among fist year undergraduate students in Department of Social Studies who were taught under Student Teams-Achievement   Divisions (STAD) strategy and conventional learning management strategy. A sample of 60 1st year undergraduate students under Department of Social Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Lop Buri Province who took SS 2203101 Physical Geography in second semester of academic year 2020, selected by using a purposive sampling technique. Research instruments included STAD-based lesson plans and conventional learning management-based lesson plans (16 sheets per plan), achievement test in a form of multiple choices and essay test, study satisfaction survey with a five-point rating scale: very high, high, moderate, low, and very low. Statistics used in analysis include average, standard deviation, and dependent and independent t-test.
          Research findings are
          1. Students who studied with the STAD strategy had higher academic achievement than those who studied with conventional learning management strategy at the statistically significant level of .05
          2. Students who studied with the STAD strategy had higher satisfaction than those who studied with conventional learning management strategy at the statistically significant level of .05

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How to Cite
Panitchayapan, P. . . ., & Ananphutthimet, V. (2021). Comparison of Academic Achievement of SS 2203101 Physical Geography of Social Studies among 1st Undergraduate Students between Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) and Conventional Learning Management. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 78–88. Retrieved from
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