Participation in Solid Waste Management of the People : A Case Study of "Wat Tha Kasem Community" Tha Kasem Sub-District, Mueang Sa Kaeo District, Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand

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Khanit Ruengkhajhon
Chaloemphong Jansukha
Vutthiwat Ananphutthimet
Peerapat Chanchay


          Subject research Participation in solid waste management of the people: a case study of "Wat Tha Kasem Community", Tha Kasem Subdistrict Municipality. Mueang Sa Kaeo District Sa Kaeo Province The objective is to the objective this study aimed to study solid waste management in the community. Tha Kasem Subdistrict Municipality and a study of participation in waste management of people in communities in Tha Kasem Subdistrict Municipality Mueang Sa Kaeo District Sa Kaeo Province The format of this research is a mixed one. A mixed method research the sample groups used in this study were divided into 3 groups: 1. Management group. 11 persons at Tha Kasem Subdistrict Municipality 2. A group of 5 community leaders. Both groups collected data by means of interviews. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Data analysis was analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis including frequency, percentage,   mean and standard deviation
          The results of the study revealed that Tha Kasem Municipality has a good waste management process and has a solution to the solid waste problem, which is to promote, support and raise awareness and concern about environmental problems for the people to participate in the correct waste management. And the results of the public questionnaire study Participation in the management of solid waste of people in the community of Tha Kasem Subdistrict (Wat Tha Kasem Community) found that participation in waste management of people The overall picture is at a moderate level. It was found that the participation in waste management practices was at the highest level (x ̅= 4.46), followed by the benefit from solving the community waste problem at a high level (x ̅= 4.43). The involvement in finding problems and causes was moderate (x ̅= 3.73), the participation in planning was moderate (x ̅= 3.21), and lastly, the regulation and the law were moderate (x ̅ 3.2 = 3.21)

            It can be concluded that the waste management of the Tha Kasem Municipality community has a process and solution to the problem of solid waste that are good and appropriate, that is, promote, support and raise awareness and concern about environmental protection. And participation in waste management of people in the community of Tha Kasem Subdistrict Municipality (Wat Tha Kasem community) was at the moderate level. And cooperate in the disposal of solid waste in the community as well

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How to Cite
Ruengkhajhon, K. ., Jansukha, C. ., Ananphutthimet , V. ., & Chanchay, P. . (2021). Participation in Solid Waste Management of the People : A Case Study of "Wat Tha Kasem Community" Tha Kasem Sub-District, Mueang Sa Kaeo District, Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(5), 234–248. Retrieved from
Research Article


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