The Development Guidelines the Life Quality of Elderly with Disabilities in Bannaphu Subdistrict Municipality, Krisimat District, Sukhothai Province

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Kullachart Bunklanson
Kampanart Wongwattanaphong


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the disable elderly’s needs in the area of Ban Nam Phu Sub-district, Khirimat District, Sukhothai Province, 2) to propose the guideline to adjust the welfare suitable for the disable elderly. It is mixed methods: qualitative and qualitative research. The former designates the sample by employing the questionnaire asking 120 participants and analyzed by using descriptive analysis using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. 
          The findings were concluded as follows: the current conditions of the disable elderly were found that their quality of lives overall was at a moderate level by classifying into 6 facets as follows: 1) physical and mental health, 2) career and income, 3) education, 4) housing and environment, 5) facility, 6) involvement in social activities.  In terms of opinions on problems, difficulties and suggestions: there was no cooperation integrated between government and private sectors on taking care of the quality of life for the disable elderly so it affected the sluggishness and access for the target’s care; therefore, there should be the cooperative integration of various organizations to develop for the betterment of the quality of the disable elderly.

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How to Cite
Bunklanson, K. ., & Wongwattanaphong, K. . (2021). The Development Guidelines the Life Quality of Elderly with Disabilities in Bannaphu Subdistrict Municipality, Krisimat District, Sukhothai Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 41–52. Retrieved from
Research Article


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