The New Normal in Education

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Phramaha Chakkrapol Siritharo


          After the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic gradually eased up, a question of what was called ‘New Normal’ was given to Thailand’s educational system since the educational administration had to be under adjustment, as well. The majority of educational personnel adjusted themselves to utilize long-distance technologies. Generally, either learning in the New Normal era or the New Normal in learning was based upon various learning platforms and styles that were really found responsive to learners’ demand. Learning was designed by the teachers or lecturers in order to have learners optimize their own ability to study. Any formation of education in the New Normal era – online learning, off-line learning or learning in the classroom, online-and-off-line learning, homeschooling – was centered on learners, who were allowed to determine their own goals and procedures of learning, and to evaluate themselves. Such learning platforms and tyles allowed learners able to learn the content from any person anywhere anytime. Besides, interaction between teachers and learners was not found decreasing, and learners and teachers were able to respond to each other. In the New Normal era, the learning formation should be designed to meet with learners’ requirement and to be suitable for learners’ readiness and resources in order that learners were able to develop themselves upon their knowledge.

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How to Cite
Siritharo, P. C. (2021). The New Normal in Education. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 346–356. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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