Social Assistance Policies and Government Assistance Measures through the Application System for Persons Affected by Covid19

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Thanikarn Srichan
Phakdee Phosing


          The aim of Welfare improvement & population’s life quality Policy is to study on the quality of Life of all classes,especially the poor who are affected by inaccessible or inadequate government welfare.It seems that the recent Welfare improvement & population’s quality of Life Policy  is a basic policy that improves population’s quality of life, but still the low improvement of population’s quality of life is obviously seen. Even though there are many policies that focus on developments such as National Economic and Social Development Plans, they are still not the right solution to improve the well-being of the population. The government also launches other welfares to facilitate the poor and the handicap by providing more facility.The prime minister, Prayuth Chan-ocha, prioritizes the quality of life development and consider it as the urgent policy. The government issues more Social Welfare card especially to the elder, the handicap, the low-income earner, the poor, and the disadvantaged. This policy also includes pregnant women, the students with financial problem and also develops health service system to decrease the inequality, provide more convenient access to medical center and also reduce the congestion in the hospital. Moreover, the additional subdistrict hospital improvement, village health volunteer, telemedicine, and traditional Thai medicine are also implemented for the adequate, fast, and good medical service in the remote area.

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How to Cite
Srichan, T. . ., & Phosing, P. . (2021). Social Assistance Policies and Government Assistance Measures through the Application System for Persons Affected by Covid19. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 324–337. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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