Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of People with Hearing and Interpretive Disabilities in Saraburi Province

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Amorn Pongswang
Sitthiporn Soonthorn


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of factors affecting the quality of life of people with hearing or interpretive disabilities. in Saraburi Province 2) to study the level of quality of life of people with hearing or interpretive disabilities in Saraburi Province 3) To study the social support factors affecting the quality of life of people with disabilities to the quality of life of people with hearing or communicative disabilities. in Saraburi Province. The study is a quantitative research which using the questionnaire as instruments. The sample group were 400 people with hearing and interpretive disabilities in Saraburi Province.through the Yamane Formula in determining the sample size, using systematic random samping. The statistic used were frequency, average, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Linear Regression with Enter and Stepwise significantly at .05.
          The results of the research found that 1) level of factors affecting the quality of life of people with hearing and interpretive disabilities in Saraburi Province Overall, it's at a high level. has an average of 4.05 2) level of quality of life of people with hearing or communicative disabilities in Saraburi Province Overall, it's at a high level. has an average of 4.00 3) Social support factors affecting the quality of life of people with disabilities to the quality of life of people with hearing or communicative disabilities in Saraburi Province were described The Quality of life of people with hearing or communicative disabilities in Saraburi Province at 35.10 %, R2 = .351, F = 53.325 which occurring 3 factors orderly getting into the correlation equation; a factor of Emotional Support (x1),  a factor of Appraisal Support (X2) and a factor of Intrumental Support, Finance and Labor (X4). These factors could predict the quality of life of people with hearing and interpretive disabilities in Saraburi Province significantly at α .05

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How to Cite
Pongswang , A. ., & Soonthorn, S. . (2021). Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of People with Hearing and Interpretive Disabilities in Saraburi Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 104–117. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/250365
Research Article


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