The Democratic Political Culture of the Administrator of Sub-District Administrative Organization in Phon Charoen District of Bueng Kan Province

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Jaran Thumtaldiaw
Chanchai Huadsri
Somkhuan Namseethan
PhramahaSuttidon Jittapanyo


          The objectives this research were : 1) to study the level of democratic political culture of the presidents of Subdistrict Administrative Organizations; 2) to study the level of practice in accordance with the principles of the Three Sucarita (Three Purity); 3) to compare the democratic political culture of the President of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization; 4) to study the democratic political culture promotion approach of the Sub-district Administrative Organization. This study was carried out by means of a mixed method research: quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group was 400 people in Phon Charoen District, Bueng Kan Province, 8 key informants. The statistics used were: Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA. The qualitative data were interpreted by Contextual Content Analysis.
          The research results were as follows:
          1) The level of democratic political culture of the presidents of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phon Charoen District, Bueng Kan Province, overall, was at a high level.
          2) The level of democratic political culture of the presidents of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phon Charoen District, Bueng Kan Province according to the principle of the Three Sucarita, overall, was at a high level.
          3) The comparison of opinions towards democratic political culture of the president of Sub-District Administrative Organization, Phon Charoen District, Bueng Kan Province revealed that the people with differences in age, education level, occupation and monthly income had different opinions on the democratic political culture of the presidents of Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phon Charoen District, Bueng Kan Province. For those with differences in gender, their opinions on democratic political culture of the president were indifferent.
          4) The democratic political culture promotion approach of the presidents of Sub-District Administrative Organization, Phon Charoen District, Bueng Kan Province is that all people should be encouraged to participate fully in politics, and listening to the majority of opinions. People should have the right to express their opinions on the administration of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization. People should have the right to decide on political leaders and the right to regularly receive local news. People should respect the political rights of others and be given the opportunity to criticize the work of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization.

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How to Cite
Thumtaldiaw, J. ., Huadsri, C. ., Namseethan , S. ., & Jittapanyo, P. (2021). The Democratic Political Culture of the Administrator of Sub-District Administrative Organization in Phon Charoen District of Bueng Kan Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 197–207. Retrieved from
Research Article


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