Feasibility Study for Business Investment of Pig Farm in Nonghan District, UdonThani Province

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Nuttavuth Srivicha
Patarakhuan Pinangarm


          The aim of this research was to study the feasibility for the business investment in pig farming in Nonghan District, Udon Thani Province by examining four aspects: marketing, technique, management, and finance. A qualitative research approach was used, in which four informants who arepig farm entrepreneurs in Nonghan District, Udon Thani Province, were selected by purposive sampling. The tool in this research was the semi-structured interviews. Data analysis included content analysis and a feasibility study on the marketing, technique, management, and finance. Based on the research, the marketing had the feasibility and could attract the interest in investment because pigs are one of the economic animals consumed domestically and exported to other countries. In terms of technique, there was the feasibility because the location has never encountered floodingand is located away from the community. The closed system has been installed on the farm and is standardized. For the management, it had the feasibility because the owner administered the business with four regular employees who were selected based on their competency, which was suitable for the position. For the financing, there was feasibility because the project had a payback period of 4 years and 2 months. The total current value of the project is THB 11,762,264.99, and the return rate was 19.64%. In conclusion, the project had the feasibility for the business investment in pig farming in Nonghan District, Udon Thani Province regarding four aspects; however, the investment plan must consider the economic risks and the capital risks that may possibly affect the reduction of income or the delay of the payback period or loss.

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How to Cite
Srivicha , N. . . ., & Pinangarm, P. . (2021). Feasibility Study for Business Investment of Pig Farm in Nonghan District, UdonThani Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 118–131. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/250457
Research Article


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