Online Learning in Higher Education Under COVID-19 Pandemic

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Phramahasayan Pemasilo


          The purpose of this academic paper aimed to present concepts and guidelines  for online learning in Higher Education under COVID-19 pandemic. The study result revealed thatthe coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has led to an adaptation to a new way of life,especially higher education institutions which were unable to manage the old normal style of learning. Institutions had to use the online learning  model insteadof on-site learning for the learners to continue their learning, As well as affecting the education system which caused increased disparities and inequality in education. The effectiveness of teaching and learning was still insufficient and the system to promote and support online teaching of teachers was not enough. The Guidelines for online learning had been developed from online meeting applications in various platforms consisting of 1)Google Meet which was an online meeting program in the form of VDO Conferencewhich can easily present their works or making teleconferences, 2) Zoom application was a cloud-based conferencing program in the form of VDO Conferencewhich could be used to open video calls to communicate with each otherand was also able to share the screen to explain the work pattern which was easier to understand,3) Skype application was the most effective chatting application both in the areas of sound clarity and multiple connections they could talk through pc webcam, mobile phone cameras, and tablets,4) Slack application was an application which was used to communicate within the organization whose functions were to communicate to each other as well as to send photos, video clips, and link codes,and5) Microsoft Team application was a group chat service that works with Office 365 for institutes which was similar to Slack application. It could connect to all of offices which supported voice-video talks via built-in Skype.

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How to Cite
Pemasilo, P. . (2021). Online Learning in Higher Education Under COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 357–370. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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