Analysis of Desired Outcomes of Education Based on the National Educational Standards for Lower Secondary School Students

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Mesa Nuansri
Kullachat Pantuworakul


          The purposes of the research were to 1) analyze the current stage of desired outcomes of education based on the national educational standards for lower secondary school students, and 2) compare the desired outcomes of education based on the national educational standards for lower secondary school students by gender, grade level and GPAX. This research was a descriptive research. Samples were 600 secondary school students, randomized by stratified - random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire which used a 5-point scale. The content validity of the scale ranged from .80 to 1.0 based on an index of item objective congruence by five experts. The reliability of the scale was .973 based on Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient method. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, means, and standard deviation, as well as by inferential statistical methods, including t-test for independent sample, and F-test for one–way ANOVA.
          The results showed that 1) the lower secondary school students had the desired outcomes of education, based on the national educational standards, at  the moderate level ( = 3.246, S.D. = .778) overall, and when considering each component separately, it was found that all components were at a moderate level; 2) the lower secondary school students had no difference in the desired outcomes of education based on the national educational standards by gender, but there were differences by grade level and cumulative grade point average (GPAX) at the statistically significant level of .05.

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How to Cite
Nuansri , M. . ., & Pantuworakul, K. . (2021). Analysis of Desired Outcomes of Education Based on the National Educational Standards for Lower Secondary School Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 266–282. Retrieved from
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