Consumer Behavior and the Marketing Mix that Influences the Decision to Use a Car Loan in Northeast, Thailand

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Kantamet Walaithavesin
Chaw Wayoopagtr


          Car leasing was the contract between the lessee and the leasing company, which was important for the economy and gross domestic product growth. The objectives of this research aimedto study consumer behavior and the marketing mix which influence descision to use a car loan.  This research is a quantitative research that used convenience sampling. Sampling group included 400 respondants, which people were 20-60 yearolds in Khon Kaen, Udon Thani and Nakhon Ratchasima. The questionnaires were a tool used to collection data. The questionnaires had alpha cronbach at 0.97. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple logistic regression analysis to analyze the data at the confidence level of 95%..
          The following were the results: the most of consumers never use car loan services. The media that influenced the car loan service selection were social medai media. The installment payment channel was barcode or QR code payment via bank applications. The marketing mixes affecting the decision to select a car loan service with statistical significance at 0.05 included seven factors that were 1) various channels of payment, for example, via bank, counter services, QR code, 2) gifts for special occasions, 3) the seller offers and gives information about a car loan, 4) the staff are knowledgeable and can give correct advice and recommendations, 5) fast approval process, 6) the staff provide service following the queue, and 7) having a newspaper, magazine, television available for waiting customers. The accuracy of forecasting the car loan selecting decision was 72.50%. The result of this study can yield benefits to the aspect of marketing strategy planning.

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How to Cite
Walaithavesin , K. ., & Wayoopagtr, C. . (2021). Consumer Behavior and the Marketing Mix that Influences the Decision to Use a Car Loan in Northeast, Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(1), 112–123. Retrieved from
Research Article


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