Strategies to Increase Sales of Vichai Furniture, Khon Kaen Province

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Churaluk Yupong
Danaipong Chetchotsak


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the consumer’s furniture purchase behaviors and the marketing mix factors of consumers’ decisions in purchasing furniture, and 2) to formulate strategies to increase the sales of Vichai Furniture, Khon Kaen province. This was quantitative research. The data for this research were obtained from 400 customers by using a questionnaire, which had Cronbach alpha at 0.96. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Then, the Business Model Canvas, PESTE Analysis, five forces model, value chain, SWOT analysis, and TOWS Matrix were analyzed for the strategies to increase the sales.
          According to the research findings:
          1) The consumer’s furniture purchase behaviors and the marketing mix factors of consumers’ decisions in purchasing furniture, which found that the most of respondents purchased bedroom furniture. The characteristics of the furniture chosen for purchasing were strength and durability. The main reasons for the decision to buy furniture were the free delivery service, quality products, strength, and durability. The marketing mix of the consumers’ decisions in purchasing furniture was at the highest attitude in all seven aspects, which comprised products, prices, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence
          2) The marketing strategies were four strategies to increase the sales of Vichai Furniture, and six action plans were launched; namely, 1) increasing the variety of cheap products, 2) increasing the online distribution channels, 3) categorizing the furniture, 4) promotion on social media marketing, 5) design by Vichai, and 6) adding of payment channels.


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How to Cite
Yupong , C. ., & Chetchotsak, D. . (2021). Strategies to Increase Sales of Vichai Furniture, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(1), 169–186. retrieved from
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