The Affect of Marketing Mix Factors in the Purchasing Decision of Clothes for Breastfeeding Mothers in the Facebook Network in Bangkok

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Itsaree Patumakorn
Vichakorn Hengsadeekul


          The objectives of this research were to study 1) the level of Marketing mix and Purchase decision, 2) to compare purchase decision, classified by personal factors, and 3) to present factors marketing mix effects on purchase decision. The research employs quantitative method by using a close-ended questionnaire for survey research. Data were collected from 400 persons are women who reproductive have age between 15-44 years old within around Bangkok who had searched information about spending clothes of breastfeeding in the Facebook or someone who used in the product before, under concepted by (Cochran et al, 1953 : 690). Alpha Cronbach's confidence coefficient was .973. The statistic of this research was frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and regression statistical analysis
          The research finding revealed that 1) Overall marketing mix and Purchase decision were at a high level with an average value of 4.05 and 3.93, and standard deviation; 0.544 and 0.577, 2) Personal factors by age, occupation and monthly income is significantly affected to purchase decision at .05 level, and 3) marketing mix factors are significantly affected to Purchase decision at .05 level (R2=.686), by the price of marketing mix affect purchase decision the most.


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How to Cite
Patumakorn , I. ., & Hengsadeekul, V. . (2021). The Affect of Marketing Mix Factors in the Purchasing Decision of Clothes for Breastfeeding Mothers in the Facebook Network in Bangkok. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(2), 182–195. Retrieved from
Research Article


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