Strategies for Developing a Management Model of Electricity Generation Using Solar Rooftops by Entrepreneurs and Household users in Khan Na Yao District, Bangkok

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Suriyawoot Kittipuwadol
Kwanming Khumprasert
Anantakul Intarapadung
Phattanapong Chankoung


          This article aims to 1) investigate the management of electricity generation using solar rooftops and the management expired solar panels affecting operators and household users in Khan Na Yao district, Bangkok, and 2) to create the strategies for developing a management model of electricity generation using solar rooftops by entrepreneurs and household users in Khan Na Yao district, Bangkok. The study was conducted by interviewing 203 and 197 household solar energy users from Ramintra and Khan Na Yao subdistricts, respectively. The group interview was performed using operators and those who involved in the management of solar rooftop power generation in Khan Na Yao district, Bangkok. The data obtained were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression analysis at a significance level of 0.05. The results were employed to create the strategies for developing a management model of electricity generation using solar rooftops by entrepreneurs and household users in Khan Na Yao district and to organize brainstorming to improve the strategies.
          The results demonstrated that: 1) the management model of electricity generation using solar rooftops comprised the contexts of the problems encountered: hacking, costs, unlicensed contractors, lack of knowledge of users, building structures, using difficult words in marketing, and power generation planning. Prediction of expired scraps or expired solar cells, installation of production system, speed of execution, and acceptance of perceived future benefits were positively correlated with the management model of solar rooftop power generation. 2) strategies for developing the management model of electricity generation using solar rooftops by entrepreneurs and household users consisted of 3 strategies. Strategy 1 is understanding of solar rooftop. Strategy 2 is using solar rooftop. Finally, strategy 3 is managing expired solar cells

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How to Cite
Kittipuwadol, S. ., Khumprasert, K., Intarapadung , . A. ., & Chankoung, P. . (2021). Strategies for Developing a Management Model of Electricity Generation Using Solar Rooftops by Entrepreneurs and Household users in Khan Na Yao District, Bangkok. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(2), 301–316. retrieved from
Research Article


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