Quotient Factors Affecting Job Success of Personnel of Provincial Commercial Officer in Thailand

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Suwipaporn Dhiramitr
Karun Pratoom
Gamon Savatsomboon


          Therefore, the purpose of this research is study about quotient factors effecting job success. The sample was 192 provincial commercial officers by stratified random sampling of provincial offices and used a questionnaire as tools. The statistics use to analyze the data include percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis.
          A result of this study was found in the following aspects.
          The results showed that provincial commercial officers are high-level opinions about the overall quotient factors. When considered on a case-by-case quotient aspects, they are at high level in all quotients and high level of opinion about overall job success.When considering each job successful aspect at a high level are two aspects namely work role success and interpersonal success. At a moderate level of job success aspect are two aspects, namely financial success and hierarchical success.
          Provincial commercial officers who are different in gender, in education level, job experience and the working groups. There are opinions about the overall and all aspects of quotient factors are not different.
          From the correlation and effect analysis, it was found that 1) Emotional quotient factors correlated and positively effect on overall job success of financial success 2) Moral quotient factors correlated and positively effect on job success of work role success and Interpersonal success 3) Adversity quotient factors correlated and positively effect on job success of work role success and 4) Creativity quotient factors correlated and positively effect on job success, work role success, financial success, and hierarchical success.
          In summary, the quotient factors correlated and positively effect on job success. Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce executives should focus on creativity quotient factors, emotional quotient factors, moral quotient factors and adversity quotient factors.


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How to Cite
Dhiramitr, S. ., Pratoom , K. ., & Savatsomboon, G. . (2022). Quotient Factors Affecting Job Success of Personnel of Provincial Commercial Officer in Thailand . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(2), 120–134. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/253843
Research Article


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