The Effective Management of Supawan Model Toward Local Curriculum Development "Khanom Jeen Pradok" Ban Pradok Community School– Khok Phai (Sathit Wiriyakun)

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Supawan Chukankul


          The purpose of the research was to study the management of the SUPAWAN model effecting on the development of local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok”. The research was conducted in 3 steps as follows: 1) Study the conditions and management guidelines of local curriculum  "Khanom Jeen Pradok" Ban Pradok Community School - Khok Phai (Sathit Wiriyakun) by asking opinions of teachers, personnel, basic education committees, local wisdom, parents and stakeholders totaling of 70 people as selected by purposive sampling, and studying the management of the SUPAWAN model effecting on the development of local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun) from interviews with 9 teachers and personnel, 10 local speakers and local wisdom, totaling 19 by purposive sampling. 2) Creating and examining the management model of SUPAWAN model effectingon the development of local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun) by using the information from step 1 to draft a management model SUPAWAN model effecting on the development of local curriculum. “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun) and assessed suitability by using a focus group discussion method of 7 persons acquired by purposive sampling. 3) The evaluationresults of the possibility of the management of the SUPAWAN model effecting on the development of local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun) by asking the opinions of teachers and staff, Head of Academic Department, representatives of basic educationalinstitutions, representativesof local wisdom, representatives of parents and representatives of local organizations, 67 people.The data was analyzed by the percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.
          The results of the research found that 1. The condition of curriculum management in local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun), the overall is at a high level. The element with the highest mean was a curriculum management process. The element with least mean wascurriculum management factors and management guidelines for the SUPAWAN model effectingonthe development of local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun) consisted of principles, managementconcepts, driven process management, curriculum management factors, curriculum management process, and the effectiveness of management model.2.The management of the SUPAWAN model effecting on the development of local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun) consisted of 1) principles and management concepts 2) driven process management 3) elements of local curriculum development “Knom Jeen Pradok” had 4 components: (1) the context, which is inside and outside the schoolenvironment; (2) the factors of curriculum management: school administrators, teachers, curriculum, media/learning resources, atmosphere and environment (3) curriculum management process, including curriculum analysis, goal setting, curriculum development with local wisdom cluster, using the curriculum with technology, local wisdom curriculum supervision, and (4) the effectiveness of the local curriculum management model, for instant learner learning outcomes and desirable characteristics.3. The evaluationresults of the possibility of the management of the SUPAWAN model effecting on the development of local curriculum “Khanom Jeen Pradok” Ban Pradok-Kok Phai Community School (Sathit Wiriyakun) found that the overall was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Chukankul , S. . (2022). The Effective Management of Supawan Model Toward Local Curriculum Development "Khanom Jeen Pradok" Ban Pradok Community School– Khok Phai (Sathit Wiriyakun). Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 182–196. Retrieved from
Research Article


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