Public Sectors Participation of a Developing Nakhonloung Sub- District Municipality, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province

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koson sodsong


          The objectives of this study were 1) to study the level of people's participation towards the development of the Nakhon Luang Sub-District Municipality, Nakhon Luang District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province 2) to compare the people's participation in the development of the Nakhon Luang Sub-District Municipality, Nakhon Luang District in terms of content in 4 aspects. 1) People's Participation 2) Municipal Administration 3) Local Development 4) Income Procurement Classified by gender, age, status, educational level, occupation and monthly income The population of the study was 9,577 people, a sample of 384 people, obtained by using the Taro Yamane formula. The study instrument was an estimation scale questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way variance.
          The study findings were as follows:
          1.the participation of people in development of Nakhonloung Subdistrict Municipality Organization, as a whole, was at a high level; and as individual aspects of study, the participation of people in development of Nakhonloung Subdistrict Municipality Organization in every aspect was at a high level, sorted in descending order as follows: administration in the municipality ( = 4.24), the participation of people ( = 4.15), revenue provision ( = 3.94), and local development ( = 3.94)
 comparison of participation of people in development of Nakhonloung Subdistrict Municipality Organization classified by gender, age, marriage status, educational level, profession, and monthly income, as a whole, was not statistically significant different.

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How to Cite
sodsong, koson . . . (2022). Public Sectors Participation of a Developing Nakhonloung Sub- District Municipality, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(4), 332–341. Retrieved from
Research Article


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