Implementation of the Student Support System According to the Opinions Parents of Students at Wat Donyo School under the Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Sunee Sontrakul
Somphot Aneksuk
Rosarin Pimonbanyong


          The objectives of this research were 1) Study the operation of the student support system according to the opinions of the parents of students at Wat Don Yo School. under the office of Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area; and 2) to compare the implementation of the student support system according to the opinions of the parents of students at Wat Don Yo School. Under the Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office The sample group used in this research were parents of students at Wat Don Yo School. Under the Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office, who studied at Kindergarten 2 to Mathayom 3, Academic Year 2020, totaling 159 people. People determine the size of Craigie and Morgan's sample. The research instrument used a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire with a consistency index ranging from 0.80-1.00 with a confidence value of 0.91. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and One-Way ANOVA.
          The results showed that: 1) Implementation of the student support system according to the opinions of parents of students at Wat Don Yo School under the Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office Overall, it was at a high level when considering each aspect found that it was at a high level in all aspects. 2) Parents of students of different ages There were opinions on the implementation of the student support system according to the opinions of the parents of students at Wat Don Yo School. Under the Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office, overall, there was no difference when considering each aspect. It was found that all aspects were significantly different at .05 level except for prevention and problem solving of students.

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How to Cite
Sontrakul, S. ., Aneksuk , . S. ., & Pimonbanyong, R. . (2022). Implementation of the Student Support System According to the Opinions Parents of Students at Wat Donyo School under the Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 40–54. retrieved from
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