Value Addition of Local Woven Wisdoms toward Creative Tourism

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Supaporn Wichaidit
Sakolwan Kongmanon
Puttarat Buatama


          Local woven wisdom is the one that represents the uniqueness and value to society. It is the knowledge that can contribute to local development. Nowadays new generations ignore the wisdom that was built by their ancestors and turn to another career which can gain more income. As a result, local woven wisdom gradually lost. This article aims to present the concept of using tourism industry, which is a huge income to the country as a tool to create local woven wisdom’s value adding by participation in the activities with a real experience, that called “Creative Tourism”. It can help local people to aware and preserve these precious cultural resources in order to balance the social, cultural, economic into sustainable communities.

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How to Cite
Wichaidit, S., Kongmanon, S., & Buatama, P. (2022). Value Addition of Local Woven Wisdoms toward Creative Tourism. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(3), 347–364. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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