A Comparison of Knowledge Management of Schools Administrators under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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ืืืnaritsara prasartsil
Adul Wangsrikoon


          This study aimed to study and compare Knowledge Management of Schools Administrators under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Ninety-seven schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 were attended in this study and 97 school administrators and 97 teacher (194 in total) were participated as key informants. Following statistic tools were used for analyzing data: Mean, Standard Deviation and One- way Anova.
          Results showed that,
          1.The Knowledge Management among schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Overall was at high level. By considering in each aspect, it found that the aspect of knowledge acquisition had the highest mean, whereas the aspect of knowledge storage had lowest mean.
          2. The Comparison of Knowledge Management Management of Administrators among schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 classified by work experience in overall and the individual aspect was statistically different when considering each aspect found knowledge identification and knowledge creation different at the .05 level.
          3. The Comparison of Knowledge Management Management of Administrators among schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 classified by work experience in overall and the individual aspect was not statistically different when considering each aspect found knowledge identification and different at the .05 level.
          4. The Comparison of Knowledge Management Management of Administrators among schools under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 classified by work experience in overall and the individual aspect was not statistically different when considering each aspect found knowledge creation and different at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
prasartsil ื., & Wangsrikoon, A. . . (2022). A Comparison of Knowledge Management of Schools Administrators under Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(5), 124–139. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/254954
Research Article


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