The Personel Administration by the Principal of Saraneeyadham VI in the Schools under the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3
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The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study personnel administration in accordance with the Six Sāraṇīyadhamma in educational institutions under the Office of Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 3; 2) to propose guidelines for personnel management in accordance with the Six Sāraṇīyadhamma in educational institutions under the Office of Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 3. This study was carried out by means of a mixed-method research methodology to collect the data from 331 participants. The obtained data were analyzed by the following statistics: Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation. The tools used in data collecting were a questionnaire with a reliability value of 0.94 and an interview of 6 key informants. The data were also interpreted by Descriptive Analysis.
The research results were as follows: 1) The personnel administration, in accordance with the Six Sāraṇīyadhamma in educational institutions under the Office of Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 3 overall, was rated a high level of practice. The most practiced aspect was 'the recruitment and appointment,' followed by ‘manpower planning and positioning.' The aspect with the lowest mean was ‘strengthening and maintaining discipline.'
2) The guidelines for personnel management according to the Six Sāraṇīyadhamma in educational institutions under the Office of Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 3 were that administrators should focus on personnel planning and give importance to the implementation of the personnel management plan. Personnel should be recruited with educational qualifications, knowledge, and abilities that match the position. Personnel with outstanding performance should be encouraged. Administrators should praise and honor personnel who are creative. Disciplinary action should be considered on personnel with equality and non-discrimination. The morale of the personnel should be created. Administrators should help oversee the rights and benefits of retired personnel.
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