The Guidelines for the Development of Transformational Leadership According to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas of Educational Institution Administrators under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 4
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the development of leadership transformation according to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas of educational institution administrators under the Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 4; (2) to propose guidelines for the development of transformational leadership following the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas of educational institution administrators under Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 4. The samples of this research were 269 educational institute administrators and heads of 4 departments of schools under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 4 in the academic year 2021. The research tools were a questionnaire with a reliability value of 0.93 and the interview form used in the qualitative research. The statistics used in data analysis were: Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation.
The research results were as follows:
1) The guideline for developing transformational leadership according to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas was rated at the highest level in practice. The most practical aspect was 'having an ideological influence according to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas,' followed by ‘Inspiring according to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas,' ‘Considering individuality to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas,' respectively. The aspect with the lowest practice was ‘the intellectual stimulation according to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas.'
2) Suggestions for the development of transformational leadership according to the Four Brahmavihāra Dhammas were:
2.1) Influence with ideology: administrators should be good role models for their subordinates to build acceptance among colleagues and have the vision to work.
2.2) Inspiring: administrators should build morale for teachers to create an incentive to work.
2.3) Intellectual stimulation: administrators should encourage and support teachers to regularly learn new things to increase their intellectual ability.
2.4) Considering individuality: administrators should be fair and unbiased and treat everyone equally.
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