New Public Management of the administrative organization Local parts in the district of Muang Phichit Phichit Province

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Peerapong Sangkaew
kampanart wongwatthanaphong


          The objectives of this research were to study the 1) new public management of the local administrative organizations 2) compare the personal factors to the new public management of the local administrative organizations and 3) present the guidelines for developing the new public management of the local administrative organizations This research applied the Quantitative Research with the Survey Research by collecting the questionnaires from 289 personnel in the local administrative organizations from the calculation formula of Taro Yamane. The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test with One Way ANOVA.
          Results of the Research 1) Overall, the level of the new public management of the local administrative organizations in Mueang Phichit District, Phichit Province was at the high level. 2) The comparison of the personal factors to the new public management of the local administrative organizations in Mueang Phichit District, Phichit Province found that the personnel having the different ages, occupations, and experience had the different opinion to the new public management of the local administrative organizations in Mueang Phichit District, Phichit Province at 0.01 3) The  suggestion and guidelines for developing the new public management of the local administrative organizations in Mueang Phichit District, Phichit Province were that the organizations should set the standards and the measure in working clearly by adjusting the structure appropriate to the working and flexible in working by applying the model of private sector management with planning, paying the compensation, purchasing the outsiders for the temporary working, and developing the information system and the results based management. It should strengthen the discipline strictly in using the resources, and strengthen the discipline in the budget spending limited, economical and worthy.

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How to Cite
Sangkaew, P., & wongwatthanaphong, kampanart. (2022). New Public Management of the administrative organization Local parts in the district of Muang Phichit Phichit Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(5), 179–192. Retrieved from
Research Article


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