Management Effectiveness of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production Noenpor Sub-District, Samngam District, Phichit Province

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Boonyaporn Ingchadjaroen
Chot Bodeerat


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of the management effectiveness of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production 2) to compare the personal factors to the management of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production and 3) to suggest the guidelines for the management of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production. This research applied the Mixed Methods Research with the Quantitative Research by collecting the questionnaires from 316 members of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production and the Qualitative Research by the in-depth interviews from 12 informants. The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test. Results of the Research 1) Overall, the level of the management effectiveness of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production was at the high level. 2) The comparison of the personal factors to the management of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production found that the members having the different genders, ages, status, degrees of education, occupations, income and duration in the member had no the different opinion to the management effectiveness of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production, Noenpor Sub-District, Samngam District, Phichit Province. 3) The guidelines for the management of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Productiont Province were 1) cultivating savings 2) creating the understanding in the good relationship between the members and the operation of the group 3) building the  knowledge and understanding in the basic business operation 4) promoting the network activities of more diverse savings groups and 5) promoting the  local wisdom as a career

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How to Cite
Ingchadjaroen, B., & Bodeerat, C. . (2022). Management Effectiveness of Bansayaichee Saving Group for Production Noenpor Sub-District, Samngam District, Phichit Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(5), 80–91. Retrieved from
Research Article


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