The Participation of People in Making the Local Development Plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality Mueang Uttaradit District Uttaradit Province

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Phattarawadee Aumkoon
kampanart wongwatthanaphong


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of the participation of people in making the local development plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality 2) to compare the personal factors to the participation of people in making the local development plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality and 3) to study the problems, obstacles and suggestions for the participation of people in making the local development plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality. This research applied the Quantitative Research with the Survey Research. The sample was 380 people from the calculation formula of Taro Yamane. The research instrument was the questionnaire. The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test with One Way ANOVA.
          Results of the Research 1) Overall, the level of the participation of people in making the local development plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality was at the high level. 2) The comparison of the personal factors to the participation of people in making the local development plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality found that the people having the different genders, ages, education, occupations, income, and duration in living had no the different opinion to the participation of people in making the local development plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality, Mueang Uttaradit District, Uttaradit Province. Therefore, the hypothesis was denied. 3) The problems, obstacles and suggestions for the participation of people in making the local development plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality found that the obstacle was that the time in the meeting was improper, the public relations was not thoroughly, and the place of the meeting was inconvenient to the travel. The suggestions were that the Bankoh Sub-district Municipality should provide the date and time in the meeting proper or the holiday, have the public relations thoroughly with a voice-over in the village, provide the place in the meeting convenient to the travel, provide the project responding to the demand of the people according the local development plan by giving the importance in the resolution rapidly.

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How to Cite
Aumkoon, P., & wongwatthanaphong, kampanart. (2022). The Participation of People in Making the Local Development Plan of Bankoh Sub-district Municipality Mueang Uttaradit District Uttaradit Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(5), 153–165. Retrieved from
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