Formulation of local development plans by participation of the people case studies Wangnokaen Sub-district Administrative Organization Wangthong District, Phitsanulok Province

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Nares Konluk
kampanart wongwatthanaphong


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of the participation of people in the formulation of the local development plans, 2) to compare the personal factors to the opinion in the formulation of the local development plans by the participation of people, and 3) to study the guidelines for promoting the participation of people in the local development planning. This research applied the Quantitative Research. The sample was 400 people aged 18 years old and older from the calculation formula of Taro Yamane. The research instrument was the questionnaire. The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test.
          Results of the Research 1) Overall, the level of the participation of people in the formulation of the local development plans at Wangnokaen Sub-district Administrative Organization, Wangthong District, Phitsanulok Province was at the high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the participation on the collaborative creation was at the highest level. Then, it was the participation on the empowerment to the people, the participation on the role, the participation on listening to the opinion, and the participation on giving the information. 2) The comparison found that the people having the different genders, ages, education, occupations, income, villages, duration in living, and social status had no the different opinion to the formulation of the local development plans by the participation of people. Therefore, the hypothesis was denied. 3) The guidelines for promoting the participation of people in the local development planning were that 1) publicize the local development planning thorough and provide the staffs for giving the information to the people, 2) make the awareness to the people, 3) give the importance in the development of villages equally, and 4) make the MOU to the related  organizations for the resolution and the development of villages together.


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How to Cite
Konluk, N., & wongwatthanaphong, kampanart. (2022). Formulation of local development plans by participation of the people case studies Wangnokaen Sub-district Administrative Organization Wangthong District, Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(5), 193–206. Retrieved from
Research Article


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