The Management Model of Local Administrative Organizations on Helping and Prevention of the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Case Study of Local Administrative Organizations in Nam Phong District of Khon Kaen Province
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The purpose of this research is to study : 1. The management model of local administrative organizations in helping and preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (COVID-19) and 2. Problems and obstacles of local administrative organizations in helping and preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (COVID-19) by collecting information on academic documents, journals, research results, operational manuals, regulations, announcements, words order and related electronic media and collecting information from in-depth interview by selecting a specific sample group, namely the administrators of the local administrative organization and heads of government agencies, totaling 12 people, brought to a summary and analyzed the data of the management model of local administrative organizations in helping and preventing the epidemic of COVID-19 (COVID-19).
The results showed that Management model of local administrative organizations in helping and preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (COVID-19) has been accomplished with the powers and duties in 4 areas as follows: 1) budget, 2) personnel, 3) resources and 4) communication. As for the problems and obstacles of local government organizations in helping and preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (COVID-19), it was found that 1) the budget was insufficient to help and heal .2) the materials and equipment for prevention were insufficient. 3) The medical personnel or the public health service are not directly. The solution to the problem found that 1) using budget from other parts to help; 2) asking for support from hospitals, sub-district health promoting hospitals (Hospital Sor.) and support from outside agencies, and 3) coordination. Go directly to the Sor. Hospital and coordinate with network partners.
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