Developing Reading Comprehension Skills of Secondary 3 Students by Using Computer Assisted Instruction Lessons with Constructivist Theory

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Anurak Nualsree
Omthajit Pansri


          The objectives of this research were 1) develop computer-assisted instruction in Thai language group on reading comprehension together with constructivist theory of secondary 3  students who are effective according to the criteria 80/80 2)compare the students academic achievement before and after learning 3) study the tasks score that student create of learning with the computer assisted instruction lessons. The samples used in this study are secondary 3 students at Muang Sawankhalok Municipal Secondary school in the second semester of Academic year 2564, a total of 41 people from the choose a specific. Equipment used in the study include 1) the computer-assisted instruction on reading comprehension together with constructivist theory 2) the academic achievement test 3) teaching plan of computer-assisted instruction on reading comprehension together with constructivist theory 4) the satisfaction questionnaire.
          The result found that 1) The performance of the computer-assisted instruction on reading comprehension together with constructivist theory the efficiency is 83.02/80.16 percent 2) The students academic achievement after learning with computer-assisted instruction was statistically significantly higher than before at the .05 level. 3) Satisfaction of students learning with computer-assisted instruction was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Nualsree, A., & Pansri, O. . (2022). Developing Reading Comprehension Skills of Secondary 3 Students by Using Computer Assisted Instruction Lessons with Constructivist Theory. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(5), 284–300. Retrieved from
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